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Herman Fenton MFHT

A person of excellence, moulded by nature and nurtured by God
International Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist
Cloudy Day


Beth Davidson

England Team Manager

I have known Herman Fenton for approximately 20 years in the context of a Sports Therapist for British Fencing Squad members. During that time Herman has supported elite fencers during their training and at major championships and competitions. As a fencer and coach, I have personally used Herman's expertise to support me and athletes in their physiological needs, general nutritional and health and well being. His knowledge in such a broad spectrum of sport therapies has enabled him to give the athletes exceptional and complementary support toward elite performance.

I fully recommend Herman to this appointment and willing to discuss further in necessary.
Beth Davidson
GB Junior International Fencing Manager
England Team Manager

Lynne Melia BAF

Dear Herman,
Many thanks again for fixing Warren's shoulder, and for your continued advice and support helping to keep our two boys working during their heavy training and competition schedules. The stretches and advice you have given us all over the years have made it much easier to keep them fit and well.
Lynne Melia BAF.

Alda Milner-Barry

It was one of my luckiest breaks that I met you when you were therapist to the UK fencing team at the Athens World Championships all those years ago. I am most grateful to you for keeping me on the competitive road long after my sell-by date, and for continuing to treat me after I retired. Even when I was in hospital after the smash the nurses were very impressed by my muscle-tone and the speed with which I healed. I particularly appreciated that you came up to London to loosen my muscles in preparation before I had my collar-bone plated. And you treat me as an intelligent partner in a joint project.

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